Greta Waltenberg
Climate Activist, Strategist, and Organizer
headshot of Greta Waltenberg

Greta Waltenberg is currently 22 years old and pursuing her B.Sc. in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences at the University College Freiburg. She has been active in the German climate justice movement since 2018 and was spokesperson of the nationwide campaigning working group of Fridays for Future Germany. Besides that, Greta is also deeply involved in trade unionism, e.g., occasionally working as a union organizer. Her mission lies in uniting diverse organizations and movements to champion socio-ecological transition. For example, locally, she initiated a coalition of over 500 organizations, ranging from the local soccer club to businesses and initiatives, rallying support for an anti-right-wing demonstration that marked the city's largest protest since WWII. Nationally, Greta coordinates a network of climate strategists from various movements, fostering synergies to drive impactful change.