The Heinrich Böll Foundation fosters transatlantic and global dialogue on green policy issues and ideas. We work to strengthen democracy and human rights, promote gender equality and social justice, and preserve a habitable planet.

Our Latest
cover of the future of the eu us trade and technology council

The Future of the EU– US Trade and Technology Council

Policy Paper
Will the EU-US Trade and Technology Council shape a resilient future or succumb to geopolitical rifts? This in-depth exploration of scenarios, challenges, and opportunities for transatlantic collaboration on trade, tech, and climate action outlines possible futures.
cover of "broken promises: Biden' retreat from Saudia Arabia Accountability"

Broken Promises

Policy Brief
In a new policy brief, Haydn Welch, Sheridan Cole, and Seth Binder examine the evolution of US-Saudi relations during Biden’s term, analyzing key inflection points and strategic considerations that shaped policy.
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