Integrated Solutions to the Water, Agriculture and Climate Crises

The dramatic convergence of multiple crises — global warming, hunger and depletion of natural resources such as water - compels us to challenge the dominant industrial agriculture model and consider a new way forward. Because agriculture is multifunctional (i.e., food, feed, fibers, bio fuels, medicinal products, environmental services, landscape amenities, social and cultural values), it could play a critical role in addressing global challenges related to climate, water, social justice and food.8 This year, three major international meetings seek to find solutions to the water, food and climate crisis: the World Water Forum (March), the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (May) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (December). The time is ripe to identify the interconnections between the three crises and develop complementary policy options and action steps.

This report was established in cooperation with the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy.

Product details
Date of Publication
March 2009
Heinrich Boell Foundation
Number of Pages