Ulrike Lunacek will visit Washington, DC from April 27th to April 30th, 2011. She has been a member of the European Parliament since 2009 and serves as the Coordinator for The Greens/ EFA at the Foreign Affairs Committee and Rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament. Ulrike Lunacek will speak at the event Kosovo's Future in Europe and have several bilateral meetings with representatives from the Department of State, think tanks and the media on the topic of Kosovo.
Curriculum Vitae
AFS student in Boone, lowa, USA
High school graduation in Vienna
University of Innsbruck, the Tyrol, Austria; studies of English-Spanish-German for the interpreter's degree
Participant in a feminist task force to create a Shelter for Battered Women and Children in Innsbruck
Social work at the newly founded Women's Refuge
March 1983
Graduation from the University of Innsbruck with the Maga. Phil. (B.A.) Degree in interpreting; thesis on "Normalization Projects with Mentally Retarded Persons in the USA", including an English-German glossary
1983-July 1984
Pantomime Theatre with Theater Brett (Czech company in exile) in Vienna
Compilation of educational material on the topic of „People with Mental Retardation“ for Lebenshilfe Österreich, the Austrian organization of parents of mentally handicapped people
Teaching German as a Foreign Language, mainly to political refugees from Latin America, Iran and Iraq
From 1984
Employee (1984-‘86) and activist, since 1994 president of Frauensolidarität, a feminist women´s initiative on development issues which has been publishing the only quarterly magazine on Women and Development in the German speaking countries for more than 20 years
Editor and journalist with SÜDWIND-Magazin, the monthly magazine of the Austrian Information Service on Development Policies (ÖIE / today Südwind Agentur), focus on Africa, esp. Southern Africa
Coordinator of the Austrian NGO-platform for the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, Cairo); NGO-member of the Austrian ICPD-delegation
Media campaign coordinator of the NGO-platform for the 4th World Conference of Women (Beijing) in Austria
November/December 1995
Candidate for the Austrian Green Party for the parliamentary elections (topics: North-South development issues, equal rights for women; human rights and antidiscrimination of lesbian women and gay men)
April 1996-April 1998
Secretary General of the Austrian Green Party
Since April 1996
(with a short break in 1998-99) Austrian delegate to the European Federation of Green Parties (EFGP)/European Green Party (EGP)
Free lancer in interpreting, facilitating seminars and workshops, and jounalism; focus on North-South development issues
Since 1999
Member of the Austrian Lesbian and Gay Sports' Federation “Aufschlag” and active on the swim team "Kraulquappen" (participant and medal winner at several LGBT EuroGames)
October 1999/July 2009
Member of Parliament for the Austrian Green Party: Vice-President of Foreign Affairs Committee; Member of Committee of European Affairs, Human Rights’ Committee and Sports’ Committee Spokesperson of the Green Group on Foreign Affairs and Development Issues as well as on Equal Rights for Lesbians, Gays and Transgender (LGBT)
Since July 2009
Member of the European Parliament with the Greens/ EFA Group
2006-October 2009
Female Spokesperson of the European Green Party (EGP) until October 2009
Since September 2009
Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Coordinator for The Greens/ EFA at the Foreign Affairs Committee
Rapporteur for Kosovo in the European Parliament
Member of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence
Member of the Delegation to Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
Member to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly
Substitute of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality
Substitute on the Delegation for relations with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo
Co-President of the parliamentary LGBT Intergroup
Spokesperson for European Affairs for the Austrian Greens
Head of the Austrian delegation in the European Parliament