Workshop: Women and Climate Change

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Saturday 10 September, 3pm-4.45pm

Presentation of winning essays

"Impact of the climate crisis on the lives of women in region of Santander, Colombia" by Claudia Gimena Roa
"Women at war, nature at peace" by Irina Tasias i Compte


Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, Member of European Parliament
Barbara Unmüssig, President of Heinrich Böll Foundation (tbc)
Daniela Graf, Green European Foundation

Click here for the Women and Climate Change workshop brochure

Click here for the Women and Climate Change workshop draft program

To our call for essays on women and climate change, many contributions from all around the world were sent in. They make it obvious that the level of awareness of this topic in developing countries is much greater than in Europe. Across Africa, Asia and South America, women are coping with the effects of climate change on an everyday basis. And they do so in an admirable way.

In the developing world, people are dealing with the effects of climate change on an everyday basis. Droughts, floods, lack of clean water, desertification, and other drastic changes to the weather pattern make agriculture and fishery increasingly difficult. This makes life that much harder for the poorest people in the world. And among them, women appear to be the worst off. They are often the ones working the land and getting water to feed their families, while they do not have control over the land they work on or the major decisions about where and how to live.

While mitigation of climate change seems a western, male-dominated realm, adaptation to climate change seems the realm of women in developing countries. It is high time that more attention is paid to their hardships as well as their inspiring solutions.

In this workshop we have the honor to welcome the two winners of the essay contest on Women & Climate Change. They will present their inspiring essay and an interactive debate on the role of women in climate change mitigation will follow.

Would you like to join this workshop? Be sure to reserve your place and register before July 31, 2011.