New IPS-Boell Website on Climate Finance and Private Sector Intersection

Reading time: 2 minutes

What does climate change means for the financial sector? And what does financial sector involvement mean for climate change projects? A new website,, a collaborative project of the Institute for Policy Studies and the Heinrich Boell Foundation North America, examines the private sector turn in climate finance through the role of financial liberalization, private sector actors (from banks to private equity funds), public institutions' attempts to “leverage” private investment, carbon markets and public-private partnerships
The website is offered as a platform for climate activists and advocates interested in gaining a better understanding of the current debates about the roles of public institutions and the private sector in energy and climate-related finance, and their intersection.

The website includes:

  • A glossary of climate finance terms
  • A six part course on private sector climate finance
  • Readings on the private sector’s role in climate finance
  • A “toolkit” containing learning modules and case studies on climate finance (first two completed, eight additional modules in progress)
  • An annotated web bibliography