hbs North America has accompanied the process for the operationalization of the GCF from its very beginning, including in the design phase of the Transitional Committee, with analysis and reports for each meeting.
Read below our comprehensive summary reports of GCF Board meetings, some pre-meeting analysis and specific recommendations for each Board meeting. Taken together, these provide an independent civil society archive of the GCF genesis:
Eleventh board meeting (November 2015, Livingstone/Zambia):
- Post-meeting report - "Relief, not Jubilation as GCF Board Approves the Fund’s First Eight Funding Proposals"
Tenth board meeting (July 2015, Songo/South Korea):
- Post-meeting report - "Despite the Paris Deadline: At its 10th Meeting GCF Board Must Deliver Good Decisions, Not Hasty Ones"
Ninth board meeting (March 2015, Songdo/South Korea):
- Post-meeting report -"'Hurry Slowly' Towards Full Operationalization"
- Pre-meeting report - "Recommendations on Proposed Key Decisions at the 9th GCF Board Meeting of Key Importance for Operationalizing a GCF Gender-sensitive Approach"
Eighth board meeting (October 2014, Bridgetown/Barbados):
- Post-meeting report -"Moving Beyond 'Business as Usual': Hard-Fought Decisions at the GCF's 8th Board Meeting Further Sharpen the Fund's Profile during Initial Resource Mobilization"
- Pre-meeting report - "Heinrich Böll Foundation North America Commentary on GCF/B.08/19: 'Gender Policy and Gender Action Plan'"
Seventh board meeting (May 2014, Songdo/Barbados):
- Post-meeting report - "Next Up: Resource Mobilization!"
- Post-meeting gender analysis - "An Update on Efforts to Operationalize a Fund-wide Gender-Sensitive Approach after the 7th GCF Board Meeting"
- Pre-meeting report - "Effectively Integrating Gender Considerations at the 7th GCF Board Meeting"
Sixth board meeting (February 2014, Bali/Indonesia):
- Post-meeting report - "Post-Bali: It's Crunch Time! - Report of the 6th GCF Board Meeting"
- Pre-meeting report - "Taking a Gender-Sensitive Approach in the Green Climate Fund to the next Level: Recommendations for the 6th GCF Board Meeting"
Fifth board meeting (October 2013, Paris/France):
- Post-meeting report - "Upping the Ante: The 5th Green Climate Fund Board Meeting speeds up progress on the Fund's Business Model and sets a time-line for GCF resource mobilization"
- Pre-meeting report - "Making Progress toward a Gender-Sensitive Approach in the Green Climate Fund: Recommendations for the 5th Meeting of the GCF Board"
Fourth board meeting (June 2013, Songdo/South Korea):
- Post-meeting report - "Difficult Decisions - Deferred? The 4th Green Climate Fund Board Meeting wrestles with the Fund's Business Model and selects its new Executive Director"
- Pre-meeting report - "Decision Time? The Fourth Meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund focuses on the Fund's Business Model and its new Executive Director"
Third board meeting (March 2013, Berlin/Germany):
- Post-meeting report - "Setting the Course: The Third Meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board Lays Groundwork for Key Decisions Later this Year"
Second board meeting (October 2012, Songdo/South Korea):
- Post-meeting report - "Inching Forward: The Second Meeting of the Green Climate Fund Board and the Nitty-Gritty of GCF Operationalization - Climate Finance"
First board meeting (August 2012, Geneva/Switzerland):
- Post-meeting report - "Taking Charge"
- Pre-meeting report - "Regaining Momentum: Priority Tasks for the Green Climate Fund at its First Board Meeting"
Reports on the meetings of the Transitional Committee (April to October 2011) for the design of the GCF
Fourth meeting (October 2011, Cape Town/South Africa):
- Post-meeting report - “Sub-Optimal” Outcome in the Transitional – No Consensus on the Design of the Green Climate Fund.
Third meeting (September 2011, Geneva/Switzerland):
- Post-meeting report - The Design Process for the Green Climate Fund: Lots of Disagreement, Little Time
A Summary Report of the Third Meeting of the Transitional Committee in Geneva
Second meeting (July 2011, Tokyo/Japan):
- Post-meeting report - From Scoping Options to Decision-Making – The Work of the Transitional Committee Going Forward
First meeting (April 2011, Mexico City/Mexico):
- Post-meeting report - A Tentative Start for the Transitional Committee—Report of the First Meeting
Of Troikas, Tensions, Test Balloons, Work Themes and Transparency Issues