Designed to "promote the paradigm shift towards low-carbon and climate resilient development pathways," the GCF is the first climate fund with a gender mainstreaming mandate from the outset of its operations.
Improving the gender-responsiveness of the GCF specifically, and of climate finance more generally has been a focus of the Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America. Find below some of our reporting and analysis of gender issues in the GCF and in the wider UNFCCC context:
Climate Finance Fundamentals 10: Gender and Climate Finance (2017)
Can the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Set New Best-Practice for Gender-Responsiveness? (2018)
Women's Rights and Climate Finance: Webinar Series, Session 2 (2018)
"Joint CSO Submission on the Review of the GCF Gender Policy and Gender Action Plan," (2017)
"From Innovative Mandate to Meaningful Implementation: Ensuring Gender-Responsive Green Climate Fund (GCF) Projects and Programs," November 2015
"Recommendations on Proposed Key Decisions at the 9th GCF Board Meeting of Key Importance for Operationalizing a GCF Gender-Sensitive approach," 2015
"Advancing gender responsive mitigation action and technology development under the UNFCCC," February 2015
"Of Promises, Progress, Perils, and Prioritization: Gender in the Green Climate Fund," 2014.
"Effectively Integrating Gender Considerations at the 7th GCF Board Meeting," May 2014
"Advancing Gender Balance and Gender Responsiveness in Climate Finance Bodies under the UNFCCC," September 2013
"Operationalizing a Gender-Sensitive Approach in the Green Climate Fund," April 2013
"Gender and Climate Finance: Double Mainstreaming for Sustainable Development," October 2011
"Engendering the Green Climate Fund," September 2011
"Gender and Climate Finance: Double Mainstreaming for Sustainable Development," April 2009