Energy and Climate Media Fellowships 2015: Call for Applications

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The Heinrich Böll Foundation is currently accepting applications for its Energy and Climate Media Fellowships for 2015. The goal of this fellowship program is to create opportunities for American journalists to research and report stories from Europe about European approaches to energy and climate policy that would inform policy debates in the United States. The fellowship recipients choose their own thematic focus in the fields of energy and climate policy, but we encourage reporting on the development of renewable energy production, the economics behind the transition to clean energy, sustainable urban development, preparing for the impacts of climate change, how Europe is pursuing energy security, or other aspects of green economy in Europe that are of particular interest to their audiences. Fellowship recipients (and/or their employers) retain full editorial control over their reporting.

Who can apply

The fellowship is open to journalists from the United States (and based in the U.S.) in any medium who report on energy and climate issues and who are eager to contribute to transatlantic policy debate by reporting about European practices in energy and climate policy. We will give special consideration to journalists from regional or local U.S. media outlets who demonstrate that their story ideas would be relevant and informative to regional or local policy debates.

What we offer

The Heinrich Böll Foundation will cover travel and accommodation costs within reason and provide an honorarium as compensation for the fellowship recipients’ work. Typically, we are able to cover the basic costs of five days of research in Europe, but this is subject to final approval on an individual basis. (Please note: All travel and research must be conducted in Member States of the European Union.) Each fellowship recipient decides his or her own dates of travel between April and October 2015. We can provide some assistance with setting up meetings in Europe. We expect each recipient to publish a series of at least three (3) stories from their fellowship by the end of the calendar year.

How to apply

To apply for a fellowship, please submit a written proposal outlining your specific research interests and story ideas. Please also include your CV and 1-3 samples of your past work. Please send your application by email to Mr. Roric McCorristin, Program Director of The Transatlantic Energy and Climate Network, at The application deadline is 8am EST on Monday, February 23, 2015.

About The Transatlantic Energy and Climate Network

The Transatlantic Energy and Climate Network is a project of the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Washington, D.C., committed to strengthening dialogue between Americans and Europeans to advance a sustainable clean energy economy on both sides of the Atlantic. It is funded by a grant from the European Union.