Announcing our 2017 Transatlantic Media Fellows!

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After a highly competitive application process, we’re thrilled to announce our 2017 cohort of HBS Media Fellows. We looked for an exciting mix of experienced reporters and promising new voices, of Americans and Europeans from diverse backgrounds and with diverse viewpoints, and most of all – we looked for story pitches that left us eager to read the real thing.

For the next several months, this stellar group of journalists will be traveling across the US and Europe to uncover stories about civil resistance movements, journalist reporting in a hostile media environment, just transitions for coal communities, the US military’s declining role in Europe, and much more. At a time when standard transatlantic diplomacy is threatened, we’re deeply committed to strengthening transatlantic dialogue through this exchange; and at a time when the media is increasingly weakened by targeted attacks and disinformation campaigns, we’re honored to help support high quality, on-the-ground research and nuanced, independent journalism.

We know you’ll want to read these stories. Read about our fellows in the bios below and follow their reporting journeys directly on their Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.