Every project funded by the GCF must be approved at its board meetings. Find a list of all projects approved at each board meeting below, including the CSO commentary as delivered at the respective meeting.

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Total Approved Funding
Board Meeting 11: FP001-FP008
Board Meeting 13: FP009-FP017
Board Meeting 14: FP018-FP027
Board Meeting 15: FP028-FP037
Board Meeting 16: FP038-FP045
Board Meeting 18: FP046-FP058
Civil Society Comments
Total Approved Funding
GCF funding ($ million): 2650.73
Co-financing ($ million): 6514.85
Total funding ($ million): 9188.6
GCF funding ($ million): 256.65
Co-financing ($ million): 333
Total funding ($ million): 589.6
GCF funding ($ million):746.1
Co-financing ($ million): 1475.2
Total funding ($ million): 2248.1
GCF funding ($ million): 315.27
Co-financing ($ million): 785.8
Total funding ($ million): 1101.1
GCF funding ($ million): 772
Co-financing ($ million): 2034.5
Total funding ($ million): 2806.5
GCF funding ($ million): 393
Co-financing ($ million): 1247.2
Total funding ($ million): 1636.4
Board Meeting 11
Project name: Building the Resilience of Wetlands in the Province of Datem del Marañón, Peru
Accredited entity: PROFONANPE
Location (country/countries): Peru
Risk Category: C
Size: micro
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 6.2
Co-financing ($ million): 2.9
Total funding ($ million): 9.1
GCF Results Areas: forests/land use; people/livelihoods; ecosystems
Project name: Scaling up the use of modernized climate information and early warning systems in Malawi
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Malawi
Risk Category: C
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 12.3
Co-financing ($ million): 4
Total funding ($ million): 16.3
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods
Project name: Increasing the resilience of ecosystems and communities through the restoration of the productive bases of salinized lands
Accredited entity: CSE
Location (country/countries): Senegal
Risk Category: C
Size: micro
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 7.61
Co-financing ($ million): 0.55
Total funding ($ million): 8.2
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water; infrastructure; ecosystems
Project name: Climate resilient infrastructure mainstreaming in Bangladesh
Accredited entity: KfW
Location (country/countries): Bangladesh
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 40
Co-financing ($ million): 40
Total funding ($ million): 80
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; infrastructure
Project name: KawiSafi Ventures Fund
Accredited entity: Acumen
Location (country/countries): Kenya, Rwanda
Risk Category: I-3
Size: micro
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: direct (regional)
GCF funding ($ million): 25
Co-financing ($ million): 85
Total funding ($ million): 110
GCF Results Areas: Energy generation/ access
Project name: Energy Efficient Green Bond in Latin America and the Caribbean
Accredited entity: IDB
Location (country/countries): Mexico
Risk Category: I-3
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 22
Co-financing ($ million): 128
Total funding ($ million): 150
GCF Results Areas: buildings/cities
Project name: Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Maldives to Manage Climate Change-Induced Water Shortages
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Maldives
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 23.6
Co-financing ($ million): 4.6
Total funding ($ million): 28.2
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water
Project name: Urban Water Supply and Wastewater Management Project in Fiji
Accredited entity: ADB
Location (country/countries): Fiji
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 31
Co-financing ($ million): 374.1
Total funding ($ million): 405.1
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water; infrastructure; ecosystems
Board Meeting 13
Project name: Energy Savings Insurance for private energy efficiencyinvestments by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
Accredited entity: IDB
Location (country/countries): El Salvador
Risk Category: A
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 21.7
Co-financing ($ million): 20
Total funding ($ million): 41.7
GCF Results Areas: buildings/cities
Project name: De-risking and scaling-up investment in energy efficient building retrofits (in Armenia)
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Armenia
Risk Category: C
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 20
Co-financing ($ million): 9.8
Total funding ($ million): 29.8
GCF Results Areas: buildings/cities
Project name: Large-scale Ecosystem-based Adaptation in The Gambia: Developing a Climate-Resilient, Natural Resource-based Economy
Accredited entity: UNEP
Location (country/countries): Gambia
Risk Category: C
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 20.55
Co-financing ($ million): 5
Total funding ($ million): 25.5
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water; ecosystems
Project name: Africa Hydromet Program: Phase 1 - Mali Country Project
Accredited entity: World Bank
Location (country/countries): Mali
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 22.8
Co-financing ($ million): 4.5
Total funding ($ million): 27.3
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water
Project name: Improving the resilience of vulnerable coastal communities to climate change related impacts in Viet Nam
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Vietnam
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 29.5
Co-financing ($ million): 11
Total funding ($ million): 40.5
GCF Results Areas: forestry/land use; infrastructure; ecosystems; people/ livelihoods
Project name: GCF support to Climate Adaptation and Mitigation Program for the Aral Sea Basin
Accredited entity: World Bank
Location (country/countries): Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 19
Co-financing ($ million): 49.8
Total funding($ million): 68.8
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; ecosystems
Project name: Tuvalu coastal adaptation project
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Tuvalu
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 36
Co-financing ($ million): 2.9
Total funding ($ million): 38.9
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; infrastructure
Project name: Strengthening the resilience of smallholder farmers in the Dry Zone to climate variability and extreme events through an integrated approach to water management
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Sri Lanka
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 38.1
Co-financing ($ million): 14
Total funding ($ million): 52.1
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water
Project name: Climate Action and Solar Energy Development Programme in the Tarapacá Region in Chile
Accredited entity: CAF
Location (country/countries): Chile
Risk Category: B
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: direct (regional)
GCF funding ($ million): 49
Co-financing ($ million): 216
Total funding ($ million): 265
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; people/ livelihoods
Board Meeting 14
Project name: Scaling‐up of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) risk reduction in Northern Pakistan
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Pakistan
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 37
Co-financing ($ million): 0.5
Total funding ($ million): 37.5
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water
Project name: Priming Financial and Land-Use Planning Instruments to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation”
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Ecuador
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 41.2
Co-financing ($ million): 42.8
Total funding ($ million): 84
GCF Results Areas: forestry/land use
Project name: Sustainable Energy Facility for the Eastern Caribbean
Accredited entity: IDB
Location (country/countries): Dominica, Grenada, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Risk Category: A
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 80
Co-financing ($ million): 110.5
Total funding ($ million): 190.5
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Project name: Senegal Integrated Urban Flood Management Project
Accredited entity: AFD
Location (country/countries): Senegal
Risk Category: A
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 17.6
Co-financing ($ million): 65.9
Total funding ($ million): 83.5
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; infrastructure
Project name: Development of Argan orchards in Degraded Environment - DARED
Accredited entity: ADA
Location (country/countries): Morocco
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 39.3
Co-financing ($ million): 9.9
Total funding($ million): 49.2
GCF Results Areas: forestry/land use; people/livelihoods
Project name: Climate Resilient Agriculture in three of the Vulnerable Extreme northern crop‐growing regions (CRAVE)
Accredited entity: EIF
Location (country/countries): Namibia
Risk Category: C
Size: micro
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 9.5
Co-financing ($ million): 0.5
Total funding ($ million): 10
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water
Project name: Empower to Adapt: Creating Climate-Change Resilient Livelihoods through Community-Based Natural Resource Management in Namibia
Accredited entity: EIF
Location (country/countries): Namibia
Risk Category: C
Size: micro
Public/ private: public (EDA)
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct - national
GCF funding ($ million): 10
Co-financing ($ million): 0
Total funding ($ million): 10
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; health/food/water; ecosystems
Project name: GCF-EBRD Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities (SEFF)
Accredited entity: EBRD
Location (country/countries): Armenia, Egypt, Georgia, Jordan, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Serbia, Tajikistan, Tunisia
Risk Category: I-2
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 378
Co-financing ($ million): 1007
Total funding ($ million): 1412
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; buildings/cities; infrastructure; health/food/water
Project name: Sustainable Landscapes in Eastern Madagascar
Accredited entity: Conservation International and EIB
Location (country/countries): Madagascar
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 53.5
Co-financing ($ million): 16.5
Total funding($ million): 69.8
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; forestry/ land use; health/ food/ water; ecosystems; people/ livelihoods
Project name: Universal Green Energy Access Program (UGEAP)
Accredited entity: Deutsche Bank
Location (country/countries): Benin, Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Tanzania
Risk Category: I-2
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 80
Co-financing ($ million): 221.6
Total funding ($ million): 301.6
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Board Meeting 15
Project name: Business loan programme for GHG emissions reduction
Accredited entity: XacBank LLC
Location (country/countries): Mongolia
Risk Category: I-2
Size: small
Public/ private: private (MSME)
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 20
Co-financing ($ million): 40
Total funding ($ million): 60
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; buildings/ cities
Project name: SCF Capital Solutions
Accredited entity: DBSA
Location (country/countries): South Africa
Risk Category: I-2
Size: small
Public/ private: private (MSME)
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 12.2
Co-financing ($ million): 21.9
Total funding ($ million): 34.1
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; buildings/ cities
Project name: Catalyzing private investment in sustainable energy in Argentina - Part 1
Accredited entity: IDB
Location (country/countries): Argentina
Risk Category: B
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 133
Co-financing ($ million): 520
Total funding ($ million): 653
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Project name: Enhancing Women and Girls Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change in Bangladesh
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Bangladesh
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 67.22
Co-financing ($ million): 7.84
Total funding ($ million): 75.06
GCF Results Areas: vulnerable people/ communities; health/well-being;
Project name: Accelerating the Transformational Shift to a Low-Carbon Economy in the Republic of Mauritius
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Mauritius
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 28.21
Co-financing ($ million): 163.2
Total funding ($ million): 191.4
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Project name: Building Resilient Communities, Wetlands Ecosystems and Associated Catchments in Uganda
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Uganda
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 24.14
Co-financing ($ million): 20.1
Total funding ($ million): 44.3
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; ecosystems
Project name: Climate Information Services for Resilient Development in Vanuatu (Van CIS RDP)”
Accredited entity: SPREP
Location (country/countries): Vanuatu
Risk Category: C
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct (regional)
GCF funding ($ million): 23
Co-financing ($ million): 3.6
Total funding ($ million): 26.6
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water; people/livelihoods' ecosystems; infrastructure
Project name: Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Investment Program
Accredited entity: ADB
Location (country/countries): Cook Islands
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 17
Co-financing ($ million): 9
Total funding ($ million): 26
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; health/ food/ water; infrastructure; people/livelihoods
Project name: Integrated Flood Management to Enhance Climate Resilience of the Vaisigano River Catchment in Samoa
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Samoa
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 57.72
Co-financing ($ million): 8
Total funding ($ million): 65.7
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; infrastructure
Board Meeting 16
Project name: Geeref Next
Accredited entity: EIB
Location (country/countries): Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Chile, Comeros, Costa Rica, Côte D'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo , Dominica, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Georgia, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mexico, Papua New Guinea , Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, South Africa, Suriname, Togo, Uganda
Risk Category: I-2
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: international
GCF funding ($ million): 265
Co-financing ($ million): 500
Total funding ($ million): 765
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; buildings/cities
Project name: GCF – EBRD Egypt Renewable Energy Financing Framework
Accredited entity: EBRD
Location (country/countries): Egypt
Risk Category: B
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 154.7
Co-financing ($ million): 852.3
Total funding ($ million): 1007
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Project name: Tajikistan: Scaling Up Hydropower Sector Climate Resilience
Accredited entity: EBRD
Location (country/countries): Tajikistan
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding($ million): 50
Co-financing ($ million): 83
Total funding ($ million): 133
GCF Results Areas: enery generation/ access; health/food/ water; infrastructure
Project name: Simiyu Climate Resilience Project
Accredited entity: KfW
Location (country/countries): Tanzania
Risk Category: A
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding($ million): 120.8
Co-financing ($ million): 47.9
Total funding ($ million): 168.7
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water; infrastructure; ecosystems
Project name: Irrigation development and adaptation of irrigated agriculture to climate change in semi-arid Morocco
Accredited entity: AfD
Location (country/countries): Morocco
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 23.5
Co-financing ($ million): 65.9
Total funding ($ million): 89.4
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water; people/livelihoods; infrastructure; ecosystems
Project name: Saïss Water Conservation Project
Accredited entity: EBRD
Location (country/countries): Morocco
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 37.6
Co-financing ($ million): 205.5
Total funding ($ million): 243.1
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water; people/livelihoods; infrastructure
Project name: Tina River Hydropower Development Project
Accredited entity: World Bank
Location (country/countries): Solomon Islands
Risk Category: A
Size: medium
Public/ private: public/ private
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 86
Co-financing ($ million): 148
Total funding ($ million): 234
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access; health/ food/ water; ecosystems; infrastructure
Project name: Ground water recharge and solar micro irrigation to ensure food security and enhance resilience in vulnerable tribal areas of Odisha
Accredited entity: NABARD
Location (country/countries): India
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 34.4
Co-financing ($ million): 131.9
Total funding ($ million): 166.3
GCF Results Areas: health/ food/water; people/livelihoods
Project name: Responding to the increasing risk of drought: building gender-responsive resilience of the most vulnerable communities
Accredited entity: United Nations Development Programme
Location (country/countries): Ethiopia
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: international
GCF funding ($ million): 99.65
Co-financing ($ million): 67.33
Total funding ($ million): 166.98
GCF Results Areas: energy access/ power generation; forestry/land use; health/well-being/food and water security; ecosystem and ecosystem services
Board Meeting 18
Project name: Renewable Energy Program #1 - Solar
Accredited entity: XacBank
Location (country/countries): Mongolia
Risk Category: I-2
Size: small
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 8.7
Co-financing ($ million): 8.9
Total funding ($ million): 17.6
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Project name: GCF – EBRD Egypt Kazakhstan Renewables Framework
Accredited entity: EBRD
Location (country/countries): Kazakhstan
Risk Category: A
Size: large
Public/ private: private
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 110
Co-financing ($ million): 447
Total funding ($ million): 557
GCF Results Areas: energy generation/ access
Project name: Low-Emission Climate-Resilient Agriculture Risk Sharing Facility for MSMEs
Accredited entity: IDB
Location (country/countries): Mexico, Guatemala
Risk Category: I-2
Size: small
Public/ private: private (MSME)
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding($ million): 20
Co-financing ($ million): 138
Total funding ($ million): 158
GCF Results Areas: forests/land use; health/food/water; people/livelihoods
Project name: Building the Climate Resilience of Food-insecure Smallholder Farmers through Integrated Management of Climate Risks
Accredited entity: WFP
Location (country/countries): Senegal
Risk Category: C
Size: micro
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 10
Co-financing ($ million): 0
Total funding ($ million): 10
GCF Results Areas: health/ food/ water; people/ livelihoods
Project name: Bhutan for Life
Accredited entity: WWF
Location (country/countries): Bhutan
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 26.6
Co-financing ($ million): 91.7
Total funding ($ million): 118.3
GCF Results Areas: energy access; forests; health/ food/ water; people/ livelihoods; ecosystems
Project name: Scaling-up Investment in Low-Carbon Public Buildings
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Bosnia and Herzegovina
Risk Category: C
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): mitigation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 17.3
Co-financing ($ million): 109.3
Total funding ($ million): 122.6
GCF Results Areas: buildings/cities
Project name: Sustainable and Climate Resilient Connectivity for Nauru
Accredited entity: ADB
Location (country/countries): Nauru
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): crosscutting
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 26.9
Co-financing ($ million): 38.3
Total funding ($ million): 65.2
GCF Results Areas: transport; infrastructure/built environment
Project name: Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in the North Coast and Nile Delta Regions in Egypt
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Egypt
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 31.4
Co-financing ($ million): 73.8
Total funding ($ million): 105.2
GCF Results Areas: people/livelihoods; infrastructure
Project name: Implementation Project of the Integral Management Plan of the Lujan River Basin
Accredited entity: CAF
Location (country/countries): Argentina
Risk Category: B
Size: large
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct (regional)
GCF funding ($ million): 58.6
Co-financing ($ million): 256.7
Total funding ($ million): 315.3
GCF Results Areas: infrastructure/built environment
Project name: Poverty, Reforestation, Energy and Climate Change PROEZA Project
Accredited entity: FAO
Location (country/countries): Paraguay
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): cross-cutting
Access type: international
GCF funding ($ million): 44.49
Co-financing ($ million): 74.13
Total funding ($ million): 118.62
GCF Results Areas: energy access/power generation; forestry/ land use; most vulnerable people/ communities; ecosystem/ ecosystem services
Project name: Scaling Up Climate Resilient Water Management Practices for Vulnerable Communities in La Mojana
Accredited entity: UNDP
Location (country/countries): Columbia
Risk Category: B
Size: medium
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: Intl.
GCF funding ($ million): 38.5
Co-financing ($ million): 78.5
Total funding ($ million): 117.2
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water; ecosystems
Project name: Climate Action for Rural Development: community- based adaptation and mitigation in Argentina
Accredited entity: UCAR- Unit for Rural Change of Argentina
Location (country/countries): Argentina
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): cross-cutting
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 22.06
Co-financing ($ million): 4.27
Total funding ($ million): 26.33
GCF Results Areas: energy access/power generation; buildings/cities/industries/ appliances; forestry/land use; vulnerable people/communities; health/well-being/food and water security; infrastructure; ecosystems
Project name: Responding to the Increasing Risk of Drought: Building Gender-responsive Resilience of the Most Vulnerable Communities
Accredited entity: MOFEC
Location (country/countries): Ethiopia
Risk Category: B
Size: small
Public/ private: public
Theme (official designations): adaptation
Access type: direct (national)
GCF funding ($ million): 45
Co-financing ($ million): 5
Total funding ($ million): 50
GCF Results Areas: health/food/water; people; ecosystems