
The Other Infrastructure Gap: Sustainability

Mega-infrastructure plans and financing and investment policies to promote private investments in the energy, transport and water sectors are on the rise. This publication provides recommendations to policymakers and decision-makers on how human rights and environmental benefits can be maximized and risks avoided or mitigated, for the sake of sustainable development. The recommendations call on States, relevant international organizations and private actors to understand the potential human rights and environmental impacts of their planning, financing and investment actions through appropriate human rights due diligence.

Those supporting mega-infrastructure projects should anticipate and address the potential impacts upstream in the project cycle, though sound policy and prudent project selection that balances the needs of people and the environment, and the host State's duties, with investors' interests. Recognizing the sustainable development opportunities inherent in infrastructure projects, the publication also highlights the positive economic and social benefits of human rights and environmental risk avoidance and mitigation, and of prioritizing the rights of women, indigenous peoples and other population groups who may lack access to affordable infrastructure services.

Product details
The United Nations (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights) and the Heinrich Böll Stiftung
Number of Pages
All rights reserved
Language of publication