The focal points of the offices are supporting democratic and constitutional reform processes in the region and strengthening civil society. They work with journalists, lawyers and political scientists, initiate media debates, organize workshops and advise reform-oriented political forces and groups.

Since 2015, the Foundation maintains just two instead of three offices in South-East Europe. The Belgrade office coordinates activities in Serbia, Montenegro and Kosovo; the office in Sarajevo is responsible for Bosnia, Albania and FYROM - Macedonia. Its work focuses on supporting democratic and constitutional reform processes in the region, strengthening civil society, empowering women and supporting political participation.
Finally, the offices advise reform-oriented political forces and groupings in the region and are committed to consolidating the green political spectrum. Dominant, ethnically influenced state models should be counteracted. Here, the Foundation's projects to support local initiatives in dealing with the past are very important.
Through a solidary and sustainable European policy, the offices want to contribute to continuing the integration process of South-Eastern Europe into the European Union. Other focal points of the offices are the ecological transformation of national economies, urban development and the protection of shared resources. To this end, the offices commission analyzes, provide training for civil society and decision-makers and promote regional networking.
Belgrade Office - Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo
Simon Ilse
Büro Belgrad (Serbien, Montenegro, Kosovo)
Kralja Milana 6/1, Stari Grad,
11000 Beograd, Serbien
Telefon: +381 11 306 76 46
Fax: +381 11 630 32 82
The Zagreb office of the Heinrich Böll Foundation closed on June 30, 2015. Since 01/07/2015, the work on the focal points of the previous foundation work in Croatia has been continued by the Institute of Political Ecology and expanded with the focus on research work in terms of content and personal continuity. The institute was founded by the most important partner organizations of the Heinrich Böll Foundation as a Croatian think tank and picks up topics, networks and previous results of the foundation's work. The Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin supports the work of the institute intensively.
Institute for Political Ecology (ab 1.7.2015)
Preobraženska 2, 1000 Zagreb, Kroatien
Tel. +385/(0)1/4812-530, Fax +385/(0)1/4818-977, Email