Dakar Office - Senegal

The Dakar office is active in green urban development, youth, gender democracy and migration. Through the support of partner organizations as well as through its own events, the Office is committed to networking civil society groups and integrating social issues in Senegal.

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urban apartments and high rises with an ocean in the left background

Since 2017, the Heinrich Böll Foundation has been active in the Republic of Senegal. The capital Dakar as a regional hub of civic engagement, universities and culture provides an excellent location for working with different social groups around green urban development, youth, gender democracy and migration. The foundation works with youth movements, lawyers engaged in women's politics, politicians and bloggers, local politicians interested in sustainability and political actors in an inclusive shaping of social issues in Senegal.

The office acts both through the support of partner organizations as well as through its own events and publications.


Fabian Heppe


Fondation Heinrich Böll Sénégal

Rue de Louga x Impasse PE 10 - au fond

Point E

Dakar - Sénégal

E-Mail: info@sn.boell.org

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