Moscow Office - Russian Federation

For now, the revocation of the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s registration by the Russian Federation marks the end of 30 years of dedicated work in this country.

Reading time: 1 minute
large skyscrapers with trees covering the streets below

During these three decades we have established a tightly-knit network of partners within Russian civil society and, together with them, we have reappraised recent European history, addressed environmental and climate policy issues, promoted independent social research, and campaigned for equal rights for women and disadvantaged groups. In concert with our partners, we have stuck to the vision of a free and democratic Russia – a Russia living in peace with its neighbours and a country ready to become part of a "common European house." Dialogue and understanding between Russian and German / European actors has been at the core of our activities.


Moscow Office - Russian Federation

Heinrich Böll Foundation

Dr. Stefanie Harter