cover of August 2024 Submission from the Women and Gender Constiuency

Submission on behalf of the Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) on the Ad Hoc Work Programme (AHWP) on the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) in 2024

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The Women and Gender Constituency (WGC) has submitted a detailed proposal for consideration at the 11th Technical Expert Dialogue (TED11) and the Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Work Programme (3MAHWP) under the UNFCCC process. Their submission emphasizes the need for a new collective quantified goal (NCQG) on climate finance that is gender-responsive, rights-centered, and firmly rooted in principles of equity and climate justice. It argues that the NCQG must address the lessons learned from the inadequate $100 billion goal and be based on the needs of developing countries, with a focus on public financing for mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage. The proposal stresses the importance of increasing the predictability and adequacy of climate finance, ensuring that developed countries fulfill their obligations through substantial public financing to the Global South.

WGC advocates for strong qualitative elements in the NCQG, such as gender-responsiveness, human rights, and the inclusion of marginalized communities. The proposal also highlights the significance of selecting experts with gender and human rights expertise for TED11 and calls for robust participation of civil society in the climate finance discourse. Additionally, the WGC suggests that the NCQG framework should reflect the imperatives of a just transition, poverty eradication, and locally-led climate action. This holistic approach, grounded in feminist principles, seeks to ensure that climate finance is not only about reaching quantitative goals but also about transformative, inclusive, and sustainable climate action.

Product details
Date of Publication
August 2024
Heinrich Böll Foundation, Washington, DC
Number of Pages
Language of publication