PSEAH Reporting Form

We regret that you have witnessed or experienced an incident of sexual abuse, exploitation, or harassment. and are fully committed to adressing all reports.

Please note that if you do not provide the name and/or contact information for the Affected Individual the PSEAH Focal Points will not be able to follow up with them regarding available resources and support options. If you are aware that they wish to remain anonymous, please respect their privacy.

Our PSEAH focal points will review your report during normal business hours and will send an outreach email to the person who experienced the alleged misconduct ("Affected Individual"), if identified, whether that is you or another individual you identify in your report. The information you provide will help enable the PSEAH focal points to provide support to those impacted by the concerns raised in your report and connect them to resources.

Submitting a report is one way to notify our PSEAH focal points of sexual exploitation, abuse, and harassment. You can also email to notify us of an incident, and you can reach out directly to either of our current PSEAH Focal Points, Liane Schalatek and Carl Roberts. You can also email to reach out to the international PSEAH team of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.

Please be aware that reports submitted using this form may not be reviewed outside of normal business hours (Eastern Time). If there are immediate health or safety concerns, please contact 911.

Our PSEAH policy is available here.

Reporter Information

Please provide your information below. You can choose to remain anonymous.

What is your affiliation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington, DC?
Use this option if you are a study tour participant, panelist, event attendee or part of another activity led or or sponsored by the Heinrich Böll Foundation Washington, DC
Use this option if you are a study tour participant, panelist, event attendee or part of another activity led or or sponsored by a different Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung office

Involved Persons and Incident(s)

Please provide information on the people involved in the incident(s) you are reporting. If you are aware that the Affected Individual(s) wishes to remain anonymous, please respect their privacy.

Please note that we use the term "Affected Individual" to refer to the person who experienced the alleged misconduct and the term "Subject of Complaint" to refer to the person who engaged in the alleged misconduct. If you are unsure about a person's role in the incident, you may simply list them. It is also not necessary to name a Subject of Complaint in order to receive support through our PSEAH process.

Please include contact information and the role of the individual(s) in the incident in your reply. If possible, indicate if the involved persons are staff of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Does the Affected Individual know that this report is being submitted?