With some key decisions taken at its 8th Board meeting in October 2014, the GCF has started to move “beyond business as usual”. Now, with pledges of some US$10 billion secured how far is the Fund away from full operationalization? Liane Schalatek provides a comprehensive summary and outlook…
The 7th Board Meeting of the Green Climate Fund delivers key policies meant to signal that the Fund is ready for business in 2015. The “make-or-break” 7th GCF Board Meeting in Songdo from May 18 -21 delivered the essential operational policy requirements to start the process of collecting money for the Fund. However, more work is needed before the Fund is fully open for business in 2015. A comprehensive summary report and outlook…
The 6th meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Bali from February 19 – February 21, 2014 was meant to propel the new Fund toward full operationalization by year’s end. After Bali, however, this tightly timed goal is in peril. For the GCF Board it is now crunch time to deliver at its May meeting.
By “upping the ante”, the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) at its recent 5th meeting in Paris accelerated its decision-making under the Fund’s Business Model Framework and set a time-line for the initial resource mobilization process of the Fund.
At its recent meeting in Songdo, South Korea, the GCF Board was faced with a number of ambitious decisions on the Business Model Framework for the Fund, with disagreements about the involvement of the private sector, access of countries to the Fund and what financial instruments to employ. Board members were able to agree on Heda Cheikhrouhou from the African Development Bank as the new Executive Director for the Fund's Secretariat.
At their third meeting from March 12 - 15 in Berlin, the Board of the Green Climate Fund laid the groundwork for some of the most important decisions it will have to make for the Fund's future in the remaining two Board meetings this year so that the Fund can propel the paradigm shift to low-emission, climate-resilient and gender-responsive sustainable development in recipient countries.
The Board of the Green Climate Fund met for the second time in Songdo, South Korea from October 18 – 20, 2012. With board members having to tackle the nitty-gritty work of operationalizing the Fund by early 2014 now in earnest, the selection of South Korea as the host country for the GCF was the most concrete outcome of the three day board meeting.
At its historic first meeting from August 23-25 in Geneva, the 24 members of the new Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) officially took charge, eager to decide the direction of the Fund and regain momentum as the Board begins the complex and ambitious work of fully operationalizing the GCF by early 2014.