Francesca Schmidt was born in 1979 in Görlitz. She studied German, German Linguistics and Society, History and Politics South Asia at Heidelberg and Berlin Universities. During her studies her main area of interest was gender research in literature. She wrote her thesis on “Remembering and Forgetting in Marlen Haushofer’s Prose”.
In her professional career she has specialised in press and public relations as well as online editing. She is currently a member of staff at the Gunda Werner Institute for Feminism and Gender Democracy, where she is responsible for website coordination. In her spare time she is interested in queer negotiation processes on the Internet and is a co-author of the „Queer-o-mat“ blog.
Areas of work
- Coordination and collaboration, Online editing department
- Coordination, Press and Public Relations Work
Fon: +49 - (0)30 - 285 34-121