Lighting up Ladakh
Policy Paper
Lighting up Ladakh
This case study analyzes the lessons learnt from ground realities on the implementation of solar energy systems in rural India. This is an excellent example of making policy-practice connect viable. Off-grid energy solutions are viable in remote corners of the country with community ownership harvesting the benefits to the maximum extent. The case study documents lessons learnt from the implementation of solar energy solutions that should be addressed through legal policy frameworks during scaling up efforts. The case study aims to contribute and strengthen the Solar Mission in India.
Mohd Shawahiq Siddiqui, Shilpa Chohan and Sanjay Upadhyay write for Enviro are Legal Defence Firm (ELDF). ELDF is an independent team of erudite legal professionals, which provides services to governments, NGO’s and other actors engaged in the areas of environment and development law. This report is published by ELDF in cooperation with the Heinrich Böll Foundation New Delhi.
Solar-powered pump, 2008. Picture by Ajay Tallam under CC BY-SA 2.0 License. Original flickr.