Oliver Krischer - Our Visitors

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 Picture by Oliver Krischer under CC BY-SA 3.0 License

June 13, 2011

Oliver Krischer, member of the German Bundestag, will visit Pennsylvania and Washington, DC from June 20th to June 24th, 2011. His trip focuses on the issue of shale gas and he will participate in a congressional briefing and speak at an event in Pennsylvania on the topic. 


Oliver Krischer is a member of the German Bundestag. As a delegate of the Green Party (Alliance '90/The Greens), Krischer was elected to the Bundestag in the last general elections in Germany in 2009 and represents the district of Düren, Northrhine-Westfalia. In his work, he focuses on energy, climate and environmental issues and efficient resources management.

Born in 1969, Krischer joined the Green Party in 1989 and worked as a delegate for local constituencies during the 1990s. After having finished his studies in biology at the RWTH Aachen in 1997, he became a legislative assistant for Michaele Hustedt, a former member of the German Bundestag. Five years later he joined the Green Party Parliamentary Group in the state of Northrhine-Westfalia to work as a senior adviser for energy and agriculture.

In the current parliamentary term, Mr. Krischer is the speaker for the parliamentary group in the fields of energy and resource efficiency. He is a member of the Committee for Environment, Conservation and Reactor Safety and a deputy member of the Committee for Ecology and Technology. He also heads the Working Group for Energy and Climate of the Green parliamentary group.

Oliver Krischer lives in Düren with his wife and his two children.