A growing coalition of international civil society organizations works with constructive input and analysis to make the GCF the best multilateral climate fund possible.
Read some of our partners' publications here:
- Safeguarding Climate Finance Procurement, Transparency International (2018)
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 12: Small Island Developing States, Liane Schalatek, Katharina Keil, Neil Bird, and Charlene Watson (2017)
- A Tale of Four Funds, Transparency International (2017)
- Climate Finance Fundamentals 11: The Green Climate Fund, Liane Schalatek, Neil Bird, and Charlene Watson (2017)
- Developing Adaptation Finance and Action, European Capacity Building Initiative (2017)
- Small Grants, Big Impacts, Both ENDS (2017)
- Green Climate Fund: A Performance Check, Friends of the Earth United States, Institute for Policy Studies, Karen Orenstein and Oscar Reyes (2017)
- A Handbook for Communicators & Journalists on Climate Change and Corruption, Transparency International (2017)
- Shorting the Climate: Fossil Fuel Finance Report Card 2016, Oil Change International, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network, BankTrack (2016)
- Design Considerations for the Green Climate Fund Micro-, Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise Programme, Institute for Policy Studies, Friends of the Earth US, ActionAid USA (2016)
- Fact Sheets for Civil Society on the Green Climate Fund, hbs North America & CSO Coalition on the GCF (2016)
- Getting Climate Finance Right: Successful Examples for the Green Climate Fund from around the World, Institute for Policy Studies and Friends of the Earth US, Janet Redman and Karen Orenstein (2015).
- Starting Off on the Right Foot: Principles for evaluating the first projects supported by the Green Climate Fund, hbs North America, CAFOD, IPS, FOE US and partners (2015)
- Engaging MSMEs in developing countries: Enhanced Direct Access (EDA) and the GCF Private Sector Facility, ecbi, Benito Mueller (2015)
- Feasibility Report on the Strengthening of citizen-based complaint and referral mechanisms under the Green Climate Fund (GCF), BothEnds, Transparency International (2015)
- Developed Country Support for Fossil Fuel Exploration Far Exceeds Green Climate Fund Pledges, Oil Change International (2014)
- Issue Brief: Green Bonds, Friends of the Earth US, BankTrack, International Rivers (2014)
- Indigenous Peoples and GCF and Climate Funds Briefing, Global Forest Coaliton, Coraina de la Plaza (2014)
- Pro-poor Climate Finance: Is There a Role for Private Finance in the Green Climate Fund?, Friends of the Earth, Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance, Javier Pereira, Karen Orenstein and Michelle Chan (2013)
- Indigenous Peoples and the Green Climate Fund, Forest Peoples Programme and JOAS, Francesco Martone and Jen Rubis (2012)