Nataly Foscaches is a Brazilian journalist and anthropologist from Mato Grosso do Sul.
She has completed a PhD in Latin American Studies with a specialization in Anthropology and a master’s degree in the same field at the University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain. She graduated from the journalists school of the Catholic University of Dom Bosco (UCDB), Brazil.
In 2011, she published the book “Press and power: racism against the Brazil’s indigenous people Kaiowá and Guarani in Brazilians newspapers” (El racismo contra los Kaiowá y Guarani en los periodicos brasileños).
In 2018, she received an extraordinary doctoral award by the University of Salamanca, an award granted the best doctoral theses defended in the academic year 2016-2017. Nowadays, she works as a researcher and journalist. She has collaborated with the NGO Repórter Brasil, the National Confederation of Workers in Agriculture (Contag) and the National Confederation of Rural Salaried Employees (Contar). Nataly Foscaches is a specialist in social sciences, social and environment issues and traditional societies.