Laleah Fernandez is the Associate Director of Data Analytics in the College of Education at Michigan State University. She served as the Assistant Director of the James H. and Mary B. Quello Center in the Media & Information Department at Michigan State University from 2018 until 2019. Prior to coming to MSU, Laleah taught courses in Data Science and Information Technology for the University of Wisconsin – Green Bay, in the Department of Information and Computing Science as Assistant Professor and Program Advisor for Information Science majors.
Laleah earned her Ph.D. in Media and Information Studies, her M.A. in Advertising and her B.A in Journalism, all from MSU. Her research examines the role of technology, policy and regulation for citizens, communities, and society. Current studies include digital inequalities in urban and rural settings, and the role of broadband access on student performance and well-being. She has published research and reviews in the areas of digital inequities, advertising, economic development, mobilization, and science communication.