Clara S. Thompson is a German-American author and mobility and climate justice expert campaigner at Greenpeace Germany.
She is the editor of the book "Aktionsbuch Verkehrswende" (2021, oekom Verlag) about the current movement for a mobility transition in Germany and gives regular lectures on the topic of media and climate crisis, mobility and traffic transition as well as the transformation of the car industry. A graduate in cultural studies from the University of Leipzig, she is currently enrolled in a post-graduate program in sociology and transformation research at the University of Jena.
She has received support for her work by the DAAD, the European Journalism Fund, and Johns Hopkins University, among others. Her climate column has been featured in the German progressive newspaper nd and she has published regular opinion pieces in German and global news outlets such as taz, Klimareporter, watson, Frankfurter Rundschau, and Al Jazeera.