Christina Felschen is a freelance journalist focusing on social justice, migration, and the environment. She was trained (and later taught) at the EJS School of Journalism in Berlin. Christina spent several years covering the effects of U.S. policies on disadvantaged groups, among others with a McCloy Fellowship of the American Council on Germany. Her work has been published, e.g., by Deutschlandfunk, SWR, taz, and Zeit Online, where she also is a freelance news and podcast editor. She received an Andere Zeiten Journalism Award in 2021.
Christina will investigate how British Columbia’s remaining old-growth forests can be saved from destruction before the current logging moratorium runs out next year. She will meet with indigenous land-rights holders, politicians, lobbyists, forestry workers, environmentalists, and forest ecologists to find out what is at stake for them in the negotiations – and how the rising global demand for wood pellets as energy source affects the decision to protect or sell forest land.
Twitter: @cfelschen