Clara is a 21-year old environmental and feminist activist from Germany, currently studying International Relations and Law. After leaving school, she did a voluntary service in an NGO doing educational work on global issues like climate change, fair trade and migration. Soon she became an educator herself, spreading thoughts and information about the ongoing climate crisis and how to tackle it. Giving people an easily accessible starting point to change their daily habits in a sustainable way, she created her own project and developed a city map showing sustainable (second hand) shops, (repair) cafés, etc. Apart from this, she is also engaging in policy making and political campaigning through her contribution to the Federation of Young European Greens and in their Feminist Network. Being strong advocators for women*’s rights, they are pushing towards progressive and fair laws for all genders. Furthermore, she works in the International Team of the Young Greens Germany, organizing and establishing exchanges with European and non-European countries and coordinating actions, to be more effective on a European and global level. She believes that through mutual understanding and global coordinated actions, humanity can still solve the current crisis.