Isabell has been a member of the Jena City Council since July 2019, where she heads the Jenarbeit works committee and is, among other things, a member of the supervisory board of Stadtwerke Energie Jena Pößneck and the advisory board for climate protection and sustainability. She successfully fought for the climate emergency for Jena, which was passed on September 2019, and now advocates for Climate Neutral Jena 2035. Isabell is active in various working groups and sits for the Green Youth on the state board of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen Thüringen. Her main topics are social and participatory justice as well as equal opportunities and the energy and transport transition. She is committed to the empowerment and networking of FINT* people (women, inter people, non-binary people and trans people) and organize events in this context. Isabell has a bachelor's degree in political science and is currently writing her master's thesis in philosophy about the lie. She gained experience as an intern for Reinhard Bütikofer, Member of the European Parliament, election campaign coordinator and working student for the consumer center of Thuringia, department energy, building and sustainability.