Justus Heuer is a student of theoretical physics at the University of Jena and is currently writing his master’s thesis about structure formation in cities. Apart from his studies, he works at a consulting firm specializing in national and international climate politics. As part of the board of the Thuringian Green Party since the beginning of 2020, he has hands-on experience in dealing with the rising right-wing extremist influence in politics and takes part in organizing campaigns to combat them. For the national elections in 2021, he was a direct candidate in a rural district in Thuringia where the right-wing vote is especially strong.
In his political activism, he focuses on combatting the climate crisis by working on a just and green energy transition. He helped build the Fridays for Future movement in Thuringia in 2019 and spent two years representing it in a scientific advisory council of the state government. He co-founded a platform for non-partisan climate policy development as well as an alliance of different climate groups in Jena. He also worked on different municipal expert committees. Since 2023, he has been part of the coordinating team of the working group on energy and climate politics of the national Green party. In the future, he plans to pursue a PhD in energy policy analysis, with the goal of building an energy system that works for the people and the planet.