Montana Showalter
Headshot of Montana Showalter

Montana Showalter is a second-year University Achievement Award scholar at the University of Virginia studying German and Commerce, and she serves as the program assistant for The Center for German Studies. From 2019 to 2020, Showalter lived in Passau, Germany as a participant of the Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX). Funded by the US Department of State, CBYX aims to improve international relations between the two countries and establish youth ambassadors interested in global affairs. During her exchange, Showalter started a Youtube channel comparing cultural differences between Germany and the United States and has since collaborated with various language companies as well as a local television station: Niederbayern T.V. In the fall of 2020, Showalter served as a nominated representative of CBYX for the US Department of State’s International Education Week.

As program assistant for the Center for German Studies at UVA, Showalter has assisted with the organization Center events and initiatives, such as “German Campus Weeks,” and maintains the Center's social media channels. She is also assisting with the organization of the Center's partnership with the Heinrich-Boell Foundation and will continue in this role during the partnership's Memory & Democracy study tour to Germany.