Sami Ramdani is a teacher-researcher in the geopolitics of energy and raw materials at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS). He is responsible for the short course "Geostrategic Issues of Energy" given by IRIS Sup’. Sami Ramdani is a doctoral student at the French Institute of Geopolitics (IFG) at the University of Paris 8, where he is writing a thesis entitled Geopolitical Analysis of the Nord Stream 2 Project in association with the Institute of Strategic Research of the Military School (IRSEM). This thesis is funded by the Directorate General of International Relations and Strategy (DGRIS) of the French Ministry of Armed Forces. In 2019, he was a visiting researcher for six months at the NATO Center of Excellence for Energy Security in Vilnius. Sami Ramdani’s work focuses on the geopolitical dynamics of European gas supply.
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