Tim McDonnell is an associate producer at Climate Desk, a collaboration between Mother Jones, The Atlantic, The Guardian, Slate, Grist, Wired, PBS's Need to Know, and the Center for Investigative Reporting, that produces original multimedia journalism on climate change. Tim's reporting has covered renewable energy, extreme weather, marine conservation, and everything in between, often told through video or other visual media. Tim is a native of Tucson, Arizona, and now lives in New York City.
While Germany's leadership on renewable energy is well-known in the US, both countries are locked in a parallel struggle: the transition away from fossil fuels, in particular coal. Tim worked with the Heinrich Boell Foundation to report on Germany's short- and long-term plan for phasing out dirty coal power, the challenges and opportunities therein, and lessons for the US from Germany's experience.
This fellowship was part of the EU funded Transatlantic Energy and Climate Network project.