American Power: YES, American Responsibility: NOT REALLY... After months of haggling, praying, fearing, hoping, threatening and cajoling, the Senate version of a comprehensive climate and energy bill was finally released just yesterday by US Senators Joe Liebermann (an Independent from Connecticut) and John Kerry (a Democrat from Massachusetts). By Liane Schalatek
Germany “Recycles” Most of its 2010 Climate Aid Budget cuts are painful, no doubt about it. In times of empty coffers and growing deficits some really hard choices have to be made. Too bad that one of the first cuts in Germany’s ongoing budget negotiations under the conservative-liberal coalition government has been to the credibility of Germany as a leading nation in international climate policy. By Liane Schalatek
US Wirtschaftslobby: Der größte Blockierer gibt seinen Widerstand auf chon wegen dieser Position hagelte es Kritik von Mitgliedern, fordern doch etliche Unternehmen in der USA endlich erste Schritte beim Klimaschutz. Doch es kam noch besser: Unlängst schlug die Kammer vor, ein Wissenschaftstribunal einzurichten, um zu entscheiden, ob der Klimawandel wirklich eine ernsthafte Bedrohung für die Menscheit sei. By Arne Jungjohann
Event: Copenhagen - What's the Deal? The Brandeis Forum on Environmental Crisis presents a panel, open discussion, and film “The Age of Stupid"
EU Troika Calls for Transatlantic Cimate Cooperation At a panel discussion organized by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung and the Brookings Institution in cooperation with the Czech and Swedish Embassies, the E.U. Commissioner underlined the transatlantic potential for setting international climate standards and moving the world economy towards a global green new deal.
Event: From Partnership to Leadership - Transatlantic Solutions for a Low Carbon Economy This conference addressed the major challenge the transatlantic partnership is facing these days: How to overcome the economic and the climate crises at the same time.