Smart cars, transparent citizens? More safety, less congestion: Artificial intelligence could revolutionize our mobility. But networking vehicles and infrastructure poses new challenges for IT security and data protection. By Sabine Muscat and Zora Siebert
How GDPR Is Driving the US Privacy Legislation Debate Article While US companies might dominate the tech industry, the European Union is leading the way on digital rights. By regulating a key part of the global market, the EU has put data protection on the agenda around the world. In the United States, reeling from the realisation that the control of data affords Big Tech enormous economic and political power, politicians from both sides are now calling for reform. By Sabine Muscat
"If I trust you, I'll give you my data" In April 2016, the European Parliament passed the General Data Protection Regulation. Green MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht was the parliament’s Rapporteur for the new law and led the negotiations. Heinrich Boell Foundation Program Director Hannah Winnick spoke with Jan Philipp Albrecht following a screening of the documentary “Democracy” on May 17, 2016. By Hannah Winnick