
Infrastructure: for people or for profit? (Español - Infraestructura: para la gente o para el lucro?)

Worldwide, the essential role of infrastructure is being rediscovered.  However, mega-projects -- including in the energy sector -- need good governance in order to deliver benefits and avoid harm to communities, ecology and the climate.  The 20+ authors in this anthology describe the challenge and imperative of achieving democratic and responsible governance of infrastructure. This publication is available in English and Spanish.

Beyond the Public Eye: High-Level Panel on Infrastructure To Unveil its Recommendations for G20 Leaders

On November 3-4, when the G20 Leaders gather for their Summit in Cannes, they will review recommendations from a High-Level Panel (HLP) on Infrastructure, which proposes a global process for scaling up and streamlining public-private partnerships (PPPs) for large-scale, regional infrastructure projects. This paper describes this top-down initiative, which is disconnected from efforts to promote sustainability and, instead, takes a “bigger is better” approach to development.