From the Washington Consensus to the Wall Street Consensus The financialization initiative of the World Bank and multilateral development banks pdf
Why the Green Climate Fund must be replenished to remain the central multilateral channel for the collective climate finance goal Article Have developed countries kept their word regarding international climate finance? By Liane Schalatek
The Hijacking of Global Financial Governance? Analysis Meetings of G20 officials during the April 2018 Spring Meetings of the IMF and World Bank set in motion revolutionary and lasting changes in the mission and organization of global financial governance. By Nancy Alexander
The G20 Compact with Africa: Innovative Partnerships or Business as Usual? Analysis At the G20 Summit in Hamburg, the Compact with Africa was announced. What is in store for African countries signing up to this new G20 initiative? By Katharina Keil
A Standard Contract for PPPs the World Over: Recommended PPP Contractual Provisions Submitted to the G20 Model PPP contract provisions submitted to the G20 show preoccupation with the rights of private investors, often to the great prejudice of the very communities that are ostensibly the beneficiaries of the projects involved. By Steven Shrybman and Scott Sinclair