Tania Mancheno
Social Scientist and Curator
Tania Mancheno Headshot

Dr. Tania Mancheno has lived in Hamburg since 2003 and has taught at the University of Hamburg in the field of social sciences and geography on postcolonial theory and decolonial thought since 2009. She studied sociology, political sciences, and social anthropology in Quito, Hamburg and Paris. Her research is focused on urban space and violence, colonial history, and the analysis of its local and transnational consequences from a feminist perspective from the Global South, with special focus on Black Caribbean political thinking. In 2019, she obtained her Ph.D. with a dissertation on the politics of translation and the debate on multiculturalism. Currently, Dr. Mancheno is an associate scholar at the research center "Hamburg’s (post)colonial heritage: Hamburg and the early globalization" and is involved in several interdisciplinary projects on decolonial memory in the city. Her coming publications are two essays in edited volumes entitled: "Beyond coloniality in world heritage: Countermapping the colonial amnesia in Parisian landscapes" and "The city plays harbor. On the colonial heritage in the HafenCity."