Nancy Alexander
Nancy Alexander is Director of the Economic Governance Program, which focuses on: how global power shifts - from the "West to the rest" - affect the ways in which citizens and policy-makers can democratize decision-making, create jobs, and promote sustainable and equitable development. Power shifts are seen in new and existing development finance institutions (e.g., the World Bank, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the New Development Bank of the BRICS -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). They are also seen in governance "clubs", such as the Group of 20 (G20). Comprised of the Leaders of 19 countries, plus the European Union, the G20 considers itself the "premier forum for global economic cooperation." Thematically, the Program advances human rights and sustainable development norms relating to investment, particularly in infrastructure.
Nancy’s background involves lobbying of the Congress and Administration against U.S. military and economic intervention as well as promotion of sustainable development, particularly through global institutions, such as the World Bank. Before joining the Foundation in 2009, she consulted to the US House Financial Services Committee and the International Labor Organization; founded and directed a non-profit – Globalization Challenge Initiative – for ten years; and held senior positions at other non-profits, including the Center for Policy Negotiation and Bread for the World. Her degrees are from Duke and Harvard Universities.
Nancy tweets @nanalexanderhbs and blogs on Just Governance.
To view Nancy's publications 1980 to present, click here.
To view past issues of the G20-BRICS Update, click here.
+1 (202) 462-7512 Ext.228