Did you know that despite the COVID-19 pandemic the major multilateral climate funds approved US$ 3.4 billion for 220 projects and programs in 151 countries in 2020? And that the Green Climate Fund (GCF) dwarfed all other major funds by approving US$ 2.2 billion?
Were you aware that in 2020 multilateral climate funds approved roughly three times as much financing for mitigation measures than for adaptation efforts, and that labeling more funding “cross-cutting” and serving multiple purposes could actually serve to increase the existing imbalance between mitigation and adaptation finance further?
Did you realize that the share grant support by multilateral climate funds for some of the countries’ worst affected by climate change, the least developed countries (LDCs) and small island developing states (SIDS), fell sharply in 2020 in contrast to previous years, and this despite growing debt distress of these country groups in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic?
This booklet of infographics breaks down the top 10 things you need to know about climate finance in 2021, from the amount approved to where there are gaps and what sector specific action has been taken. It draws on 2020 data from monitoring the major dedicated multilateral climate funds on Climate Funds Update (CFU). You can download the PDF (2021) or view the individual infographics below.