International Climate Finance & Policy

The International Climate Finance & Policy Program supports an equitable, globally coordinated, justice and human-rights centered response to the intersecting challenges of catastrophic climate change and biodiversity loss. These challenges aggravate existing systemic inequalities: they most severely impact the poorest countries and the most marginalized communities, who have least contributed to climate change. In response, our work centers the needs and priorities of countries, communities, and partners in the Global South.

We support international civil society efforts to secure adequate, predictable, new, and additional climate finance that will fund climate actions that are effective, efficient, and (gender-)equitable. We lift up the voices of our partners to demand more democratic decision-making in climate finance.

The Program has a special focus on public funds, such as the Green Climate Fund, and on the evolving new landscape for financing to address loss and damage. Our particular focus is on increasing the quantity and quality of climate finance, as well as transparency and accountability of these funding mechanism, in a way that is human rights-centered and gender-responsive. The Program advances these goals through expert analysis, advocacy, and active participation in civil society monitoring of climate finance mechanism.

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