Rebecca Bertram leads the European Energy Transition work at the Heinrich Böll Foundation’s Headquarters in Berlin. Her work focuses on integrating the various European energy discussions into the German energy decision-making process. Rebecca also manages the website on the German Energy Transition which communicates news on the German Energiewende and energy transitions worldwide.
Before returning to Berlin, Rebecca was the Program Director of the Energy and Environment Program at the Foundation’s Washington office. She holds a Master’s degree in International Affairs and Economics from the Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS).
Ein Kohlebundestaat geht wählen – was der Sieg von Bernie Sanders in West Virginia für die Strukturwandeldiskussion in den USA bedeutet (May 2016 - IN GERMAN)
- Was bedeutet das Pariser Klimaabkommen fuer die Klimapolitik der USA? (December 2015 - IN GERMAN)
- Böll.Thema 3/2015: Die Wende ist machbar. Klimagipfel 2015 (November 2015 - IN GERMAN)
- An Energy Superpower Heads to the Polls (September 2015)
- Eine Energiesupermacht geht waehlen (September 2015 - IN GERMAN)
- Amerikanische Energiewende mit Hindernissen (August 2015 - IN GERMAN)
- The green peace dividend - why green technologies matter for international security (July 2015)
- What Germany’s energy transition means for the United States (May 2015)
- Erkennt die deutsche Außenpolitik nun endlich die Energiewende als Thema? (March 2015 - IN GERMAN)
- Germany’s fight against coal gets underway – albeit slowly (December 2014)
- Obamas Kohleausstieg - und was die Deutschen davon lernen können (June 2014 - IN GERMAN)
- Capacity Energy Markets: a view from Germany and the United States (September 2013)
- Nach der Rede: Klimaschuetzer optimistisch trotz Obamas Unterstuetzung der Frackingindustrie (February 2013 - IN GERMAN)
- US-Wahl - Energiewende amerikanisch (November 2012 - IN GERMAN)
- A Fresh Breeze for Seaports - How Offshore Wind boosts Local Martime Economies in Germany (June 2012)