Russian disinformation. A government attacking the media. A populace deeply skeptical of it. These Slovak journalists had seen it all — and decided to do something about it.

This article was first published by Foreign Policy on December 20, 2017 as part of our Transatlantic Media Fellowship program.
BRATISLAVA, Slovakia — In a cozy coffee shop in Bratislava’s Old Town, a well-preserved medieval district dotted with foreign embassies, Andrej Matisak sounds irritated. His eyebrows rise with his voice as he details the indignities of his day job. And they are extensive — Matisak has been a Slovak journalist for 14 years.
His Trump-era American counterparts may well sympathize. After all, they have been called “the enemy of the American people” by their own president, grappled with Russia’s disinformation campaigns, and been openly reviled by many readers — citizens and officials alike.
To read the full article, click here.
Please note that the views expressed by the author do not necessarily reflect those of the Heinrich Böll Foundation.