Climate Finance Fundamentals Dossier An introduction to climate finance, financial flows, the regions and countries funds reach, and the climate interventions funds target.
Climate pragmatism or Faustian bargain? What the new US climate law does—and where it fails Analysis The Inflation Reduction Act is seen as an expression of climate pragmatism by some and a Faustian bargain with the fossil fuel industry by others. What exactly is it? By Liane Schalatek
Green Equity Dossier This dossier explores what needs to improve in order for green equity to become a powerful instrument to support a green and socially inclusive transformation.
Green Climate Fund: Private Sector Finance in Focus Dossier On paper, the GCF can accept considerable investment risks in order to achieve impact and innovation, while maintaining rigorous fiscal standards, environmental and social safeguards. However, various evaluations by the GCF's Independent Evaluation Unit have identified shortcomings in policies and practices that have so far prevented the GCF from achieving this goal.
Deferred not defeated: the outcome on Loss and Damage finance at COP26 and next steps Analysis Momentum gained on finance for Loss and Damage at COP26, if not derailed, can lead to more success at COP27 in Egypt. By Liane Schalatek and Erin Roberts
False solutions prevail over real ambition at COP26 Analysis COP26 in Glasgow started with a plethora of declarations. But in the end it failed to deliver on the real and immediate action needed to avoid climate catastrophe, and to address the demand for justice and equity for those most impacted by climate harms. By Erika Lennon , Sebastien Duyck and Nikki Reisch
“Glass less than half full” – Glasgow climate finance outcomes leave much room for improvements despite some wins Article Progress on core climate finance issues at COP26 proved to be key to break deadlocks and to reach often inadequate compromises in the Glasgow Climate Pact. By Liane Schalatek
COP26 Dossier At COP26, it is up to the rich industrialized countries to take bold actions to address their collective shortcomings and unfulfilled promises, and to give up on false solutions.
Real ambition vs. false solutions: What’s at stake during COP26? Analysis COP26 takes place against the backdrop of nationalist health policies with daunting consequences, failed promises to adequately scale up climate action and financial support, and an unprecedented push for false solutions that divert global attention from the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels. By Sebastien Duyck , Erika Lennon , Francesca Mingrone , Nikki Reisch and Lien Vandamme
Broken Promises - Developed countries fail to keep their 100 billion dollar climate pledge Analysis At COP26 in Glasgow, past failures and shortcomings in climate finance mobilization and delivery must be ruthlessly addressed by presenting an implementation plan for future improvements. By Liane Schalatek