Shale Gas: Unconventional and Unwanted Over the last decade, the US has seen a shale gas rush. This rapid development has put to a heavy burden on the environment and the human health. Given the controversial experience in the US, more voices in Europe call for an EU-wide moratorium on shale gas – for good reasons, argues this new report.
Clean Break: The Story of Germany's Energy Transformation and What Americans Can Learn from It, by Osha Gray Davidson By Osha Gray Davidson launches his book The Clean Break at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. ©Heinrich Boell Foundation
Aviation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Identifying Transatlantic and Global Solutions By Michael Mehling © The German Marshall Fund of the United States
The ‘Bleeding Heart’ Campaign to Help Big Energy in Germany Energy from renewables is getting less and less expensive – while at the same time, private households have to pay more and more for it. This is obviously not due to the German Renewable Energy Act, which has been adopted by more than 50 countries meanwhile. By Jürgen Trittin
Transatlantic Tar Sand Storms: Lobbying and Dirty Oil are Canada’s New Exports In its tar sands, Canada has the biggest oil reserves worldwide after Saudi Arabia. While delaying climate action at home, the Canadian government is undermining international efforts in fighting climate change. Low carbon fuel standards in the EU and California or the denial to build the Keystone XL pipeline through the US would be a major setback for Canada’s export of oil from tar sands. By Arne Jungjohann