Beyond Biofuels: Renewable Energy Opportunities for U.S. Farmers In cooperation with 25x’25, the Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America hosted a transatlantic roundtable discussion on its new report Beyond Biofuels: Renewable Energy Opportunities for U.S. Farmers. By Hilary Flynn
The Role of Foundations in Promoting Renewable Energy Policies This session at the Environmental Grantmakers Association (EGA) Fall Retreat in Anchorage, Alaska, focused on “Investments Into Renewable Energies –What policies do Work?” Andreas Krämer of the Berlin-based Ecologic Institute and Wilson Rickerson of Meister Consulting addressed differences and similarities of renewable energies in Germany and the US.
Feed-in Tariffs in America: Driving the Economy with Renewable Energy Policy that Works Around the world there is growing recognition to address the economic and climate crises together rather than separately. President Barack Obama has touted a green energy sector as the best chance of jumpstarting the economy, putting Americans back to work, and securing the country’s standing in a post-carbon world.