Nuclear energy in Ukraine 30 Years after Chernobyl Thirty years after the biggest nuclear disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, Ukraine is still seriously dependent on nuclear energy. It is high time for Ukraine to take the path of nuclear phase-out. By Iryna Holovko
How does West Virginia’s coal crisis fit into the global energy picture? A discussion on coal, energy, and sustainable economic transition in West Virginia By David Beard
The global energy revolution The transition to a low-carbon energy system can only succeed if we switch to renewable energy and energy efficiency while parting from fossil fuels. Already, the global share of renewable energy in electricity production has increased sharply. Nevertheless, many new coal power plants, anticipated to run for many decades, were connected to the grid in recent years. How do these divergent trends add up? By Arne Jungjohann
What Kentucky Can Learn from Germany's Energy Transition "From Bundestag to Bluegrass" is a five-part web and radio series examining Germany’s energy transition—and its potential lessons for Kentucky—reported by Erica Peterson for WFPL News in Louisville. By Erica Peterson
Germany: A Turnaround Yet to Turn Germany is phasing out nuclear power and has come to rely more on coal for its electricity. Despite a steep rise in renewable energy, the use of coal is endangering Germany’s ambitious target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. By Eva Mahnke
Wind Energy Development in Estonia: A TECN 2-Part Series TECN Media Fellow Sandy Hausman travels to tiny Estonia to learn about offshore wind development. By Sandy Hausman
An Energy Superpower Heads to the Polls As the fifth largest oil producer in the world, Canada's domestic and foreign policy is shaped considerably by energy and resource issues. In the nine years under the Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canada has focused primarily on its oil industry and on strengthening its position as an energy power – without regard for the environment and local populations. In that context, the Harper government presented economic growth as being dependent on an aggressive expansion of the energy sector. However, that line of reasoning is now losing its force. By Rebecca Bertram
Dossier: The 2015 Canadian Federal Elections On October 19th, Canada will hold it's federal elections-what is at stake in these elections, and where is Canada headed? In this dossier, we shedding light on some of the main policy debates and developments.
Marine Energy Development in Scotland: A TECN 5-Part Series In this 5-part audio series, Sandy Hausman, an HBF Energy and Climate Media Fellow for 2015, reports on recent advancements in marine energy development in Europe and the U.S. These stories were originally published for Virginia Public Radio. By Sandy Hausman
The Czech Nuclear Illusion In the first week of June, the Czech government adopted an action plan that is supposed to lead to the construction of four new reactors in the country—first in Dukovany and then in Temelín. The government’s decision, however, is not the product of a rational political debate; it is the result of the long-term erosion of responsible governing. Therefore, the Czech Republic can serve as a textbook case of how decisions about the future of energy should not be made. By Martin Sedlák