Data for Sustainable Urban Mobility Dossier Data and digital technologies can support the transition to greener and more equitable urban transportation systems. This transatlantic project looks at how public-private data-sharing and seamless mobility across transportation modes can support cities in reaching their climate and inclusion goals – across very different regulatory systems.
North Carolina Trees Are Feeding Europe’s ‘Clean Energy’ Revolution Media Fellowship Scientists and environmental activists have raised concerns about the carbon benefit of burning wood pellets for power. But the industry churning them out in North Carolina has continued to grow. By Melba Newsome
The Clean Energy Revolution Is Picking Up Pace in the USA Transatlantic Media Fellowship The reason: the party of climate change deniers is beginning to see that green can also be the color of money. By Felix Austen
Is Nationalization an Answer to Climate Change? Transatlantic Media Fellowship What’s unique about Labour’s nationalization plans with regard to energy is that they would make Britain the first country to nationalize its power sector with the express intention of weaning it off fossil fuels and with an eye toward decarbonizing the economy. By Kate Aronoff
What's at stake for COP 24? Briefing The Katowice UN Climate Change Conference will take place in Katowice from the 3rd till the 14th of December 2018. By Don Lehr
Sowing the seeds of an equitable world The reclamation of seed as a common good has begun. Following the concept of open source, new approaches evolve that result in the cultivation of a large number of species and varieties. By Barbara Unmüßig
Beyond Paris: avoiding the trap of carbon metrics Instead of changing our economic system to make it fit within the natural limits of the planet, we are redefining nature so that it fits within the economic system. By Lili Fuhr, Camila Moreno and Daniel Speich Chassé
Fracking Tour 2015 Storify An international delegation of energy experts, policy makers and media from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Germany, Ireland, Mexico, and South Africa visited Washington DC, Pennsylvania and New York on September 7-12, to witness fracking’s effect on local economies in the US as the discussion on fracking heats up in their respective countries.
Breaking Free From What Was The willingness to make the switch to sustainable economic activity exists in companies and society, but the framework is missing: the case for green "Ordoliberalism." By Dieter Janecek
Not All That Glitters: Nigeria's Bitumen Story. As conventional oil reserves decline, international oil companies are increasingly turning their attention towards unconventional oils. Armsfree Ajanaku travelled to Ondo state communities situated along the bitumen belt of Nigeria to try and understand the people’s perception about the bitumen under their feet and their aspiration for development. He describes his experience in an article published through our partner office in Nigeria.