Based on the premise that “there will be no climate justice without gender justice,”7 and vice versa, this introductory paper takes a preliminary look at the linkages between climate change, gender justice and the International Financial Institutions (IFIs).
Financing for aaptation, mitigation and low-carbon sustainable development is a key building black fr a new UN global climate agreement. This study gives an overview of recent cosst assessments and proposals for funding sources and mechanisms.
The dramatic convergence of multiple crises — global warming, hunger and depletion of natural resources such as water - compels us to challenge the dominant industrial agriculture model and consider a new way forward.
Urban Futures pursues two corresponding ideas: The first objective is to deepen the transnational dialog over the role of cities in solving the climate crisis. The second objective is to collect visions and models of sustainable architecture and urban planning and present them to a broader public.
The Philippines are a relatively minor contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, however, it is highly vulnerable to climate change and the scenarios for the Philippines predict adverseenvironmental and socio-economic consequences.