Foreign & Security Policy

The Foreign & Security Policy Program supports a broad conception of security policy and aims to increase transatlantic and global solidarity to chart a more peaceful, feminist, and sustainable future. The world in the 21st century is more complex than ever. The rise of autocrats around the world, growing economic pressures, the climate crisis, refugee flows, and fragile multilateral coalitions increase the stakes and the urgency to forge a transatlantic foreign & security policy that commands broad support, fosters inclusion, promotes sustainability, and puts a halt to the anti-democratic forces that are gaining strength in the United States and Europe.

The Foreign & Security Policy Program advances these goals through study tours, publications, events, and off-the-record roundtable discussions, as well as by bringing new, younger and underrepresented voices into foreign policy debates. While the Program works on global issues of peace & security, strengthening the transatlantic relationship remains as a core priority.


Our Latest

EU defence industrial policy in a new era

The 2024 re-election of Donald Trump as US president, and the realignment of US security strategy that is expected to follow fundamentally changes Europe’s security outlook. The EU cannot become Europe’s security provider, but it can, through its defence industrial policy, support the funding and organization of the rearmament effort.
cover of "broken promises: Biden' retreat from Saudia Arabia Accountability"

Broken Promises

Policy Brief
In a new policy brief, Haydn Welch, Sheridan Cole, and Seth Binder examine the evolution of US-Saudi relations during Biden’s term, analyzing key inflection points and strategic considerations that shaped policy.
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