Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Washington, DC and other civil society organizations have been active in shaping the GCF's operations, striving for fair, gender-equitable and transformational outcomes. Read CSO submissions to the GCF and CSO public advocacy calls here.
Read CSO submissions to official calls for input from the GCF as well as CSO advocacy calls and letters addressed to the GCF Secretariat, the GCF Board and a wider public audience here:
Submissions to the GCF Secretariat:
- Joint Submission on the Update of the GCF Initial Strategic Plan (April 2019)
- Joint CSO Submission on Strategic Programming for the GCF's First Replenishment Period (April 2019)
- Joint CSO Submission with Comments on GCF Policy on Protection against Sexual Exploitation, Abuse & Harassment (SEAH) (Jan 2019)
- Joint CSO Submission with Comments on the Approach to Developing the GCF's own Environmental & Social Safeguards (January 2019)
- Joint CSO Submission with Comments on a GCF Evaluation Policy developed by the Independent Evaluation Unit (January 2019)
- CSO detailed comments on a new Environmental and Social Policy (ESP) for Board Consideration at B.18 (2018)
- CSO comments on the proposed new Gender and Social Inclusion (GESI) Policy for Board Consideration at B.18 (2018)
- Joint Response from a Number of Civil Society Organizations on the Second Draft Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) (2017)
- Joint Submission by Civil Society Organizations on the Indigenous Peoples Policy of the GCF (2017)
- Call for Public Inputs: Joint CSO Comments on a Draft of Green Climate Fund’s Updated Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) (2017)
- Joint CSO Submission on the Review of the GCF Gender Policy and Gender Action Plan (2017)
- Joint CSO Submission on a GCF Whistleblower and Witness Protection Policy under its Independent Integrity Unit (IIU) (2017)
- Joint Indigenous Peoples and CSO Submission for a GCF Indigenous Peoples Policy (2017)
- CSO suggested edits to draft GCF country ownership guidelines (2017)
- Joint CSO Submission on REDD+ Results Based Payments (2017)
- Compilation of Submissions on the Revised Terms of Reference for the GCF Independent Redress Mechanism (2017)
- Joint Submission from Civil Society Organizations on the Draft Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) of the Green Climate Fund (2017)
- Joint Submission by a Group of Civil Society Organizations on the Revised Terms of Reference for the Independent Redress Mechanism (2017)
- Joint CSO Submission on Improvements Needed for the Effective Participation of CSO Observers in GCF Board Proceedings (2016)
- Joint CSO submission to the GCF on the terms of reference (TOR) for a review of observer participation in GCF activities (2016)
- Compilation of submissions on the TOR for a review of observer participation in the activities of the Board (2016)
- Submissions for the strategic plan for the Green Climate Fund
- Joint CSO submission to the GCF on the Fund’s accreditation strategy (2016)
- Recommendations on contribution of accredited entities’ overall portfolios to GCF objectives/necessary portfolio shifts (2016)
- Compilation of submissions on the GCF accreditation strategy (2016)
- Joint CSO submission to the GCF on the review of the initial proposal approval process (2016)
- Compilation of submissions on the review of the GCF’s initial proposal approval process (2016)
- Active CSO Observer coordinated input on the further development of indicators in the GCF performance measurement frameworks (2016)
- Compilation of submissions on the further development of indicators in the GCF performance measurement frameworks (2016)
- Submission by hbs North America on the call for public input on the GCF’s initial monitoring and accountability framework (2015)
- Compilation of submissions on the strategic plan for the Green Climate Fund (2015)
- Compilation of Submissions on the Call for Public Input on the GCF Monitoring and Accountability Framework (2015)
- Submission on Information Disclosure Policy: Stakeholder Consultation Draft (2015)
- Compilation of Submissions: Investment Framework Call for Public Input (2014)
- CSO Submission to the GCF on Accreditation, Safeguards and Fiduciary Standards (2014)
- CSO Submission to the GCF on observer participation rules and procedures (2013)
CSO advocacy calls and public letters:
- CSO Letter to the GCF Secretariat with Concerns about MDBs Underming the GCF Information Disclosure Policy (September 2018)
- Scientists' Letter to the Board of the Green Climate Fund with Concerns about Biomass Projects (July 2018)
- Letter by the GCF CSO Working Group on Biomass Against the KDB South-Pacific Biomass Programme Proposal (June 2018)
- CSO Letter and Information Brief on the GCF and Biomass Proposals (February 2018)
- Letter to the GCF Board by Indigenous Peoples' Groups urging adoption of a new GCF IP Policy at B.19 (2018)
- CSO letter protesting transparency and participation restrictions at the 17th GCF Board meeting (2017)
- Joint CSO Letter Rejecting Efforts to Create a False Binary Between Adaptation and Development for GCF Projects (2017)
- Joint CSO Letter on Addressing Policy Gaps Transparently at the GCF 17th Board Meeting in July (2017)
- Joint CSO Advocacy Call for a Fossil-Fuel and Ethical GCF Trust Fund Asset Management Policy (2017)
- Joint CSO Letter on Concerns about GCF Support for Several Large Hydro Dam Projects under Board Consideration (2017)
- CSO Letter to the GCF Board asking them not to accredit Export Credit Agencies (2016)
- CSO Statement of Concerns Regarding Green Climate Fund and Support for High Environmental & Social Risk Programs/Projects (2016)
- Letter to the Trust Fund Committees of the Climate Investment Funds (CIFs) to demand CIF sunset w/GCF now fully operational (2016)
- Letter of CSO on the possible GCF Accreditation of HSBC and Credit Agricole (2015)
- CSO criticism on the accreditation of Deutsche Bank at the GCF (2015)
- CSO letter on concerns about development of an GCF information disclosure policy (2015)
- CSOs: No to Green Climate Fund financing fossil fuels and harmful energy projects (2014)
- CSOs to GCF: Strengthen country-ownership, country-driven approach and direct access (2014)
- CSO letter to GCF Board with concern about corporate capture of the GCF (2014)
- Southern CSOs: A Green Climate Fund as if people and the planet mattered (2014)
- CSO letter to the GCF Board on concerns about rules and practices for civil society participation in the Fund (2013)
- CSO open letter to GCF Board and Secretariat on CSO active observer selection (2013)
- CSO letter to the GCF Board on the adoption of best practice social and environmental safeguards for the GCF (2013)
- CSO to Green Climate Fund: Don't Shut Us Out! (2013)
- CSO letter to the Transitional Committee: Stop private finance from hijacking the Green Climate Fund (2011)
- CSO call to Transitional Committee: No to World Bank role in the Green Climate Fund (2011)
- Civil Society Recommendations for the Design of the UNFCCC's Green Climate Fund to the Transitional Committee (2011)